What other groups of people, beyond Al Qaeda, tend to have several phones? I mean press officers, not Hollywood starlets.
I'm nervous. I've got about seven phones in my house. But I am not a terrist. Seriously.
Along with Jeff (formerly SNP Tactical Voting) and Malc (formerly In The Burgh), I now co-edit Better Nation, a group blog. Stuff will still appear here, but more will be there.
This page was published on February 26, 2008 10:25 AM.
He's the new messiah, inn'e? was the previous entry in this blog.
The sweary civil servant is the next entry in this blog.
This is what led to the de Menezes shooting. He was "acting suspiciously" because he got off a bus and got on it again. Whipping people up into a frenzy makes them see suspicious behaviour where it doesn't exist, is counter-productive and dangerous.
This also reminds me of "How to Spot a Communist" propaganda from the 50s US, I will try and find a link to them...
From, A Two-Phone Owner.
Goodness me.
I too have several phones and, although a number of folk definitely have described me as dodgy in the past I'm not sure that terrorism is what they were thinking......
These things are just pathetic.
*goes off to buy several more mobile phones*