Tavish Scott is known for three things: his bear mask, blocking any possible progressive coalition in May 2007, and forcing through the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route, a massive expansion of the motorway network misleadingly described by some as a bypass.
He's the continuity choice, the candidate for no change in the Liberal party, the same old pretend-environmentalism and divisiveness. Being good at FMQs won't fix that.
Mike Rumbles would also be an interesting choice. As in, "a brave choice, Minister". Any turf accountant offering anything less than 500/1 on Rumbles should be ignored.
And Purvis is just laying down a marker for a top job or for leadership contender when Tavish (for it will be he, I guarantee it) fails to make an impact. Liam McArthur probably isn't even ready to do that. Incidentally, both these two have only ever worked as lobbyists, hacks, researchers and/or special advisors for other Liberals.
Can you feel the drama yet?
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