No thank you. I don't want to read anyone else's minutiae, nor do I believe mine could possibly be of interest to anyone else.
Not like a blog..
And that's even though you apparently get election results five minutes before everyone else. And even though Mars Phoenix is twittering actually from Mars. (yes, yes, I know, it's just like Father Christmas actually answering letters)
Aha, but there you miss the beauty. Twitter, is all about linking to something relevant - your new blog entry, an interesting story, or whatever. As such, it provides a list of highlights of things to look at for the day...
Although I do stand by my facebook comment.
I think you’re wrong about Twitter. Maybe it’s a bit of fun, sending links, maybe it’s just quick and easier than RSS. I like the fact I can use it to update my Facebook status.
Give it a try before assuming the worst.
Maybe, maybe. I resisted mobile phones for ages, back in the 90s, and it took me a long while to admit I wanted a blog. Perhaps I'll look back in six months and wonder why I resisted Twitter. But currently it does feel like life's too short.
When you say the young greens, do you mostly just mean adam, tom and gary?
I find RSS pretty easy - it's just pressing a space bar, and occasionally pressing return - is twitter really easier? maybe I will have to see what it's all about after all.