September 2008 Archives

The title, incidentally, is my favourite pirate chatup line.

I've long bemoaned the poor standard of discussion on newspaper websites, with slavish, abusive and irrational SNP supporters usually the main culprits. A challenger arrives today, though, on this Telegraph article (note: I hit the complaint button, so the comment may disappear).
Now, plenty of cybernats use appalling comparisons, with Brown normally compared to Mugabe using the super-clever phrase "ZaNu Liebour", but this comment goes right to the classic idiot's favourite - Hitler.

This YouTube video was apparently created by a CERN employee, and it's extremely clear. Via Neatorama, my favourite site of the week, who also put up Ten Things You Wanted To Know About the LHC But Were Afraid To Ask.

Now we're to have a proper Scottish TV channel, we need a Scottish version of the Daily Show. I am a massive fan of Jon Stewart, who mixes absurdist satire, rigorous fact-checking and whimsical face-pulling in equal measure. But who would front it up over here?

As a recent convert to RSS, sometimes there's just too much to read. Make time for spEak You're bRanes, though. It's like the Cybernats times Private Eye's Dumb Britain, filtered through the Daily Mail, and is of course a Chris Morris reference. The content comes from the BBC forums. The final part of this is magnificent. And here's a little Day Today, just because.

From 1st September 2008, the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd has generously agreed to match, pound for pound, any *new* income that NO2ID receives.
Which means that for every pound you give from 1st September NO2ID will receive TWO pounds to spend campaigning against the ID scheme and database state.
Please send your donation by cheque to the NO2ID office (please mark your envelope 'JRRT'):
The NO2ID Campaign
Box 412
19-21 Crawford Street
London W1H 1PJ
Or you can donate by credit card or via PayPal using the 'Donate' button on their website.