Sometimes, though, it's magnificent - notably the Scotland Act, which starts with the line "There shall be a Scottish Parliament". As the late Donald Dewar said, "I like that".
I would have liked the Act to incorporate those extra three words, but I can see why the clerks might not have gone for it.
Last month I even delved into subordinate legislation, the Mogadon of the legislative sphere, but even then I returned with facts relevant to the real world.
This morning's task is the SNP's draft Climate Change (Scotland) Bill. I won't review it until I've read the whole thing, but if there are any policy wonks out there, get stuck into it.
It could have been ferroequinology or vexillology or agrostology or coleopterology but no! You admit to this.
Those are my four new words for the day.
Agrostology is unlikely to be immediately necessary, but working for the Presiding Officer I became an amateur vexillologist, and my father is a ferroequinologist - and he's also a pretty experienced lepidopterist, but not a coleopterologist.
So many wikipedia pages, so little time.