I do occasionally get asked what I actually do, normally in a tone which implies extreme indolence, so to clarify, here's some of what today has included so far:
- Getting a release out in advance of an event Patrick's speaking at;
- Taking a look through the media monitoring note before it went out;
- Arranging to meet one of my favourite members of Parliamentary staff about getting a Mac in the office;
- Having a team meeting to look at priorities amongst forthcoming business;
- Sending stroppy but entirely justified notes to civil servants;
- Chatting with an SNP MSP who was returning a curry cookbook he borrowed three months ago but hasn't made anything from yet;
- Drafting something to go into a campaigning organisation's media release;
- Not eating pudding even though it was rhubarb crumble (pictured);
- Getting a release out in which Robin welcomed East Lothian Council's decision to reject Viridor's proposed incinerator for Dunbar (and really enjoying being able to support a council for doing the right thing);
- Listening to thin excuses from civil servants;
- Only twittering a little bit;
- Agreeing a piece on transport for later in the week with one of the broadsheets;
- Discussing an amendment to the Megrahi motion with Patrick and colleagues;
- Getting a release out in which Patrick called for a comprehensive inquiry into the Megrahi case and restated his support for Kenny MacAskill's decision;
- Working up costings for a project we're considering;
- Delegating loads of stuff to much-loved colleagues;
- Winning a belated and partial victory over civil service foot-dragging through sheer persistence;
- Summarising, with Patrick, our view on community sentences for one of the broadsheets; and
- Not getting in the way of the man from the radio who wanted to interview Patrick.
I'd also forgotten how much I love session time. Seriously, if you get bored with a working life like this you're doing it wrong. Update - Yousuf has done his day here for comparison.
great stuff James. Almost makes me miss it! Good luck for the coming session - not that it's about luck!
Loved the list of chilli sauces1 More chillies in the post today!
Interested in how you spend your day! No room for boredom there !
has this scheme been properly costed?
I'm all within budget.