The trouble with Donald.

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Yesterday Aberdeenshire Council sunk to a new low, something previously believed to be against the laws of physics, by deciding not to block Trump's threat of compulsory purchase against local residents.

On Wednesday night Council sources had briefed reputable media outlets that Councillor Ford's motion against compulsory purchase was unacceptable, but that another anti- CPO amendment would pass. By yesterday morning they were back in line with the tribble-haired Mr Trump (pictured with friends).

It was a grim day for the families, who had argued so passionately for certainty from their elected representatives. Many red-shirted Councillors made craven comments about never voting for compulsory purchase, then failed to vote against. This did not go down well, and I suspect they won't get beamed back into the Council chambers come 2012.

The response from the Trump Organisation would have made Spock weep, too. This was a "logical" decision. Live long and prosper, it seems, so long as it's not in your own homes.

Note: The Scotsman have foolishly bravely allowed Jeff, Caron, Craig, Kez and me to blog on the Steamie as well, and this piece also appears there. Thanks guys!


Nicely put James. Going to be interesting watching the red shirts fall amongst the ballot boxes in some alien electoral landscape in 3 years time.

Maybe as in the song:

"They come in peace, putt to kill, putt to kill, putt to kill.
It's golf Jim but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as know it.
There's Bulldozers on the Menie strand, Menie strand, Menie strand.

"Trump-tripping across Menie estate.
Councillors saying one thing then voting in reverse."

Hi Twa' Dockturs

I would like to comment on the local press - The Evening Express, The Press and Journal and our heritage!!!

Both of the these newspaper - I suppose in the interest of unbiased reporting - have refused to print anything which opposes Trumpetty Trump's golf course on the Menie Estate. I have personally sent at least 5 letters to both papers and had one (highly edited) letter printed, squeezed in between two pro-Trump letters. I have a real feeling that these rags - unlike 'The Sunday Times', 'Scotland on Sunday' and 'The Herald' - have possible financial stakes in this development and are unwilling to print anything which may smack of opposition. Are they aware that Trump already tried to evict a group of 80 tenants in a New York block of flats. Thankfully the Tenants were able to fight off the 5 year leagal challenge to their fixed tenancy agreement.


After a five-year struggle to avoid eviction, tenants of a 15-story building on Central Park South owned by the developer Donald J. Trump have won the right to stay in their rent-controlled and rent-stabilized apartments.

Trumpetty Trump will will do anything to get his way. The grab-it-all Aberdeenshire local authority do not understand the long-term issues - not only facing the local area in terms of our heritage but on a Scottish-wide basis. It seems that anyone with enough money can buy any area of scientific interest in Scotland!!

Gadaffi buying Loch Lomond?

Putin buying the Cairngorms?

We should not sell our soul for a few pieces of silver!!

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This page was published on October 2, 2009 12:21 PM.

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Almost as good as a General Election. is the next entry in this blog.