Random: October 2008 Archives

A vacancy for a new Doctor.

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patricktardis.jpgSo David Tennant's off. I have a suggestion for a replacement, but it would have to be filmed entirely over recess.

Think how useful a Tardis would be for campaigning. You could leaflet a vast area over a single night by yourself, using the magic of time travel..

Conferences reviewed.

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seedsofthought.jpgEmily Sutton from Total Politics just wrote up her trips to five conferences this year, taking in the English and Welsh Greens, the TUC, Labour, the Liberals and the Tories. 

Hard work, methinks. So many speeches, so many votes (well, at some conferences, anyway), and only a limited number of glasses of wine to cushion the blow. 

But what did she make of the people?

  • Greens: "the delegates, although peculiar, each with their little quirks, were very friendly and welcoming".
  • TUC: "the delegates, although questionably sober, were the most friendly and genuine."
  • Liberals: "I developed a seething and passionate resentment of the Liberal Democrats, or at least those who attended their conference."
  • Labour: "The diehard party faithful ... were fired up for the fight of their political lives."
  • Tories: "lots of upper-class, white, tweed clad teenagers bounding around with bellybutton fluff for facial hair, old men in Savile Row suits grasping their canes for dear life."
Apropos of this, I think it was the social at our most recent conference that best showed the differences between the Greens and the others. 

The entertainment, organised by the inspirational Councillor Danny, included two brilliant Zimbabwean brothers from Seeds of Thought, followed by an open mic session, with musical turns from Councillor Stuart, Robin Harper, and Arnold Cassola, leader of the Maltese Greens. 

Even though Labour had Eddie Izzard on the same night, I'm damn glad I was in Glasgow that night.

Vegans: what do they eat?

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The following image is an authentic summary by Marvel of the lifestyle and habits of Vegans. It's just not clear to me why it doesn't tell us what they eat, although they are from the Milky Way, so I'm assuming a lot of dairy..


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This page is a archive of entries in the Random category from October 2008.

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