The Blogfather's position on climate change has certainly evolved over the years.
In 2006 he was pointing out that urgent action was required, just that the Chinese would have to make it.
By 2007 he was linking to Exxon-funded propaganda with the immortal slogan "They call it carbon dioxide. We call it life", but without explicitly endorsing them. Later that year he was calling for balance - check out the first excellent comment to that piece.
Balance is a nice idea. If someone suggested you take a balanced position between the scientific consensus on one hand and the wingnuttery adopted by UKIP's Christopher Monckton, I'd recommend telling them to get stuffed.
Last year he was tired of the science being rammed down his throat, and it's true, the truth can be inconvenient.
His latest post is truly spectacular, though. Seriously, would you use this graph from the Daily Mail to prove temperatures aren't changing? That looks like a fairly clear trend to me.
And yes, the title contains a subtle joke just for Jeff.